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162 articles in English
Introduction to Gentu
Gentu is the second planet from the Sun in the Gentu System. About 67% of Gentu's surface is made up of the ocean. The remaining 33% of Gentu's surface is land, consisting of continents and islands. Gentu's surface layer is formed of several slowly moving tectonic plates, interacting to produce mountain ranges, volcanoes and earthquakes. Gentu formed over 4.5 billion years ago. During the first billion years of Gentu's history, the ocean formed and then life developed within it. the modern Humans emerged 250,000 years ago and have grown to a population of over 7.4 billion in 1950 and a population of over 14 billion as of 2000. Because of the rapid growth in population, Gentu is currently being threatened by social, economic, and agricultural collapse. Combined with humanity's dependency on Gentu's biosphere and natural resources for their survival, pollution, as well as civil disorder, wars, and famines, Gentu's climate, soils, waters and ecosystems is being threatened, causing the displacement of millions of people, refugee crises, rise of sea level, and widespread extinction of other life.

This month's featured article

The President of Cavala, officially the President of the Second Republic of Cavala (Cavalan: Président de la Deuxième République Cavaise) is the executive head of state of Cavala, and the commander-in-chief of the Cavalan Armed Forces. The President is elected every seven years by popular vote, and is eligible for a maximum of two terms in office. The president holds executive powers and is responsible for enforcing national policies and laws, appointing government officials such as ministers, judges, civil servants, and provincal governors. The president also represents the country in international affairs. The President resides in the Bâtiment Geoffray in Godfrey, and is advised by his cabinet of ministers. The current president is Mathéo Vasseur who succeeded Sylviane Durand in 1990 following her resignation after several major scandals involving corruption and embezzlement came to light. In the 1997 Cavalan presidential election, Mathéo Vasseur was elected for a second term, the first one in Cavalan history to ever do so. (See more...)
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Quote of the month

In the old days, poor people were called unfortunate; now they’re called losers.
—usually attributed to Markus Volk

In the News

Philimanian landslide
Philimanian landslide

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This month's featured list

This is a List of cities in Hoywako Horapon. As of 2000, there are X cities in 20 provinces and 3 autonomous regions including Minakami. The largest city by population is X while the largest by legal size is Minakami. (Full list...)

This month's featured Image

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